“Permanent change requires a neuroscience and systems approach. Without shifting the subconscious mental frames, learning is temporary. Without targeting the whole system, learning does not produce results significant enough to break through organizational inertia. ”

— Dr. Sunnie Giles

Consulting and Training

Dr. Sunnie’s Quantum Leadership Workshops and Training Programs catalyze radical innovation.

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Three Day Quantum Leadership Workshop

This three-day class combined with organizational consulting takes input from 360 feedback and provides analysis results vis-à-vis other global leaders in our database:

World-class curriculum
Comparison with global leaders and identification of competency gaps
Discrepancy between self-assessment and others’ feedback
Report on the organization’s health and readiness for radical innovation

Participants will:

Identify their strengths and weaknesses vis-à-vis other global leaders organizations
Develop an actionable game plan to gain leadership competencies necessary for radical innovation
Gain a clear understanding of how radical innovation happens and what they need to do to catalyze it
Come away with actionable, tangible ideas for industry game-changing innovation
Gain crucial skills of strategic thinking, pattern recognition and systemic thinking

Two Day Transformational Communication Workshop


Leaders will:

Learn and practice the skills needLearn and practice the skills needed to transform their communication with the ACER® Communication model and the Dual Cross Learning® for Fifth Order Change® model:ed to transform their communication with the ACER® Communication model using several real-life scenarios
World-class curriculum
Multi-sensory learning experience
Using several real-life scenarios, role plays and videos
World-class curriculum designed to induce permanent change
Participants will understand that communication is much more than listening or even an exchange of information. They will acquire the frameworks and tools to remove the source of disconnect and miscommunication:
Become aware of their hidden assumptions that prevent effective, accurate communication
Gain breakthrough recognition of the unconscious, limiting patterns they are carrying
Transform relationships to ones built on trust, vulnerability, and connection
Learn how to build safe connection in teams through trust and vulnerability
Use the previous principles to improve speed of execution and minimize errors in decision making
Produce radical innovation and win in a complex business environment

This Quantum Leadership class includes core concepts and practices of the Quantum Communication workshop.

Leaders as Coaches

This three-day intensive program is designed to train leaders to become more effective coaches.

In a 2013 Stanford study on CEO coaching, leaders identified: sharing leadership and delegation, conflict management, team building, and mentoring to be the most important skills. Coaching skills are crucial to today’s leaders.

According to a 2013 study, coaching produced a 529% return on investment and boosted the overall ROI to 788%.

Coaching skills for facilitation and coordination are a must for today’s leaders because the traditional command-and-control skills optimized for division of labor and specialization pose major limitations to compete successfully in a complex business environment.

In this program, leaders will:

Learn to become effective coaches
Learn and practice critical skills such as judgment-free curiosity, asking powerful questions, unleashing the innate unlimited human potential (rather than providing solutions) within their teams
Remove key obstacles to effective communication

Organizational Leadership Development

Using Dr. Sunnie’s proven methodologies and tools use the following steps:

1. Assessment

Dr. Sunnie works with the client organization to assess organizational health and readiness to win in a complex business environment. This includes an organizational leadership readiness comparison by team and as a whole company, vis-à-vis other global organizations.

2. Observation

Dr. Sunnie works with the client to quantify the impact of leadership on turnover intent and to identify the most critical leadership competencies and attributes related to business results. Dr. Sunnie also provides an analysis on the most important drivers to reduce turnover intent and increase employee engagement, attributes that set apart the top performers from the rest, and the price of “good / bad” leadership attributes in actual dollars so help clients identify prioritize their learning budget and training efforts.

3. Goal Setting

After reviewing the assessment results, Dr. Sunnie presents her analysis of the situation and works with the client and/or team to prioritize and co-create goals to focus their efforts on.

4. Implementation

Dr. Sunnie works with the client by testing small scale implementation to ascertain the effectiveness of the change management program in their real-world environment and assists the client organization to roll out the program to ensure effective change.

5. Post-Assessment

Dr. Sunnie’s proven approach produces tangible results. The post-assessment quantifies the business impact. Her work is designed to turn out quantum leaders well equipped to succeed in today’s complex and fast paced environment.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

Dr. Sunnie is so confident about the effectiveness of her program that she offers a satisfaction guarantee. You will be totally delighted with the results – guaranteed.

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