“We are on the cusp of a new megatrend. Complexity will become the mainstream framework for leadership models in the coming decade.”
— Dr. Sunnie Giles
Featured In

March 25, 2018: With Jonathan Rosenberg, Advisor To Alphabet Management: How To Start Radical Innovation

March 16, 2018: How Termites Reveal The Rules Behind Radical Innovation

September 21, 2017: The AI Rules of Leadership
September 9, 2017: Using Principles of A.I. for Radical Innovation (TEDx Salt Lake City)

July 11, 2017: How Activating A Corporate Brand Kickstarts Radical Innovation

April 25, 2017: Essential Skills To Keep Your Job In The Era Of Artificial Intelligence

March 28, 2017: Turning Performance Reviews Into A Vehicle For Radical Innovation

November 14, 2016: Leadership Crisis In Korea

November 7, 2016: Leadership Crisis In Korea

March 14, 2016: Harvard Business Review: Solution to Top 5 Leadership Challenges

November 15, 2015: 10 Secret Communication Skills of the Best Leaders

June 19, 2015: 복합적인 경영환경에서 새로운 리더십 조건
Dr. Sunnie Giles
Dr. Sunnie lives with her family in Salt Lake City where she is an active member of her community and church. She enjoys traveling globally and has a passion for advancing collective awareness and facilitating higher evolution of the human race.